a person calling himself Abdulah Guclu has been sending out massive spam


Geschrieben von J. Z. am 03. September 2000 21:18:42:

Dear sirs

For the past two months, a person calling himself Abdulah Guclu
has been sending out massive spam in the form of uncolicited
commercial e-mails. Apart from the persistent spamming, he also
uses a remove@ address that is not his own, thus causing other
people significant trouble and making it impossible to get rid
of his spam (see "The following is for your information..." at
http://www.netpa.de/ ). Previously, Guclu was using an account
with superonline.com for his spam. That account was terminated
by Superonline due to complaints from Guclu's victims.

Currently Guclu is using a vestelnet.com account. The headers
below are sampled from one of his spam messages to one of our

I kindly request that you immediately terminate this user's
account and confirm to me that you have done so.

In case of non-compliance, we will consider you co-responsible
for this user's activities and proceed to take measures against
Vestelnet itself. Such measures may include - but are not
limited to - completely blocking vestelnet.com from our systems,
reporting Vestelnet's mail servers to MAPS RBL, ORBS and other
similar databases (which implies the blocking of Vestelnet by
thousands of ISPs world-wide), and other legal and/or technical

In the hope of a fast and swift reaction,

Yours sincerely

Legal dept
